Financial Literacy

Improving your financial literacy skills is not difficult, and the earlier you learn solid money habits, the more it will pay off (pun intended) in your financial future.

To get started, visit some of these expert sites below to learn more about managing your money. Please also feel free to enter our Active Life Scholarship for Financial Literacy as a way to reward yourself for Getting Up and Getting Active in learning more about your money.


1] 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

This is a free program from the national organization of Certified Public Accountants to help you understand your personal finances through every stage of life. In particular, take a look at the teen and college student channels for specific advice and tips that apply to you. 


2] Credit Sesame

This free program focuses on understanding and improving your all important credit score. It also offers a bunch of free financial planning tools, tips and advice.


3] BankRate

This free site offers a calculators and tools for figuring our savings and borrowing. It also features some great articles and tips on financial planning.